Friday, February 19, 2010

Father Daughter Dance 2010

Hi All,

Well I am officially getting old! ;-) I had my first Father Daughter Dance this evening with Ms. Hailey Rose. We had a great time and Hailey danced a lot with her friends. I tried to stay out of the way and take a bunch of pictures to capture the moment. However, I did sneak in and get one slow dance with my little angel. Although Hailey is fighting a cold and doesn't feel great she managed to suck it up for the camera and have a great time. By my calculations, my next Father Daughter Dance will be with Ms. Carley Elizabeth in 2013! That seems so far away, but will most likely be here in the blink of an eye.

Enjoy the photos....

Daddy's Little Girl

Let's pull our hair back and Dance!

Hailey Rose and Kylie

Hailey, Kylie and Sophia

Hailey's all girl Crew owned the Dance Floor!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010

Hi All,

First, I hope that everyone made it through this last round of snow safe and sound. I ended up working outside for most of the day and night to keep our driveway as clear as possible. I am sore in areas I didn't even know existed. The storm was vicious and ended up breaking our snow blower. It can be fixed, but it made clearing the driveway a very difficult job. I don't know about everyone else, but I intend to spend today on my couch with a cup of coffee and doing absolutely nothing! This will be made easier by the fact that we have no television at all since the snow on the roof is so high it buried our satellite dish and there is no signal! Anybody venturing out today, please be safe and take it slow. By the way, the official numbers are in and Philadelphia has seen 70.3 inches of snow this winter, easily making it the most snow this region has seen since they started tracking these things back in 1884.

Snow picking up in the early Afternoon

Still coming Down

I really hate snow!

We used to have a Driveway

Hard to throw snow with a busted discharge chute!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Hair Cut

Hi All,

Not that you will notice in these photos, but Carley Elizabeth had her first ever haircut today. Carley went to Aunty Deena's hairdresser where they do a dry cut for curly hair. Carley had a great time and she had so much fun that after the haircut she had a special request. If you look closely at her ears I think you will figure out what she asked for....

What are those shiny things in her ears?

My little girl is growing up way too fast!

Disclaimer: Wallace was not with TinaMarie Jones when she decided to allow Carley to get her ears pierced. Therefore any angry comments or expressions of disappointment in this decision should be directed solely at my wife and not Carley Elizabeth Jones. ;-)

A Gap in their Education

Hi All,

Hailey, Carley, and Jace's grandfather was shocked to hear during his last visit that his grandchildren had never dipped Oreo cookies in milk. As my father-in-law put it, "they have a gap in their education!" With that said, he ran out and picked up a pack of Oreo Double Stuff cookies and then the Oreo dipping lessons started!

These are good, but really messy!

Okay, first you dip the cookie

Then you eat it.... end of lesson!

Jace's First Day

Hi All,

Jace had his first full day of daycare yesterday. I snapped a photo of Jace with his lunchbox just as we were heading out the door. According to Ms. Kate, Jace's daycare teacher, he did very well and didn't cry very much. Hopefully regular daycare will wear Jace down a little and he can burn that energy at school instead of bouncing off the walls at home.

Jace's First Day

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow day.... watch out Shelia E

Hi All,

Well we are currently being snowed in with this massive snow storm that decided to pay us a visit. To pass the time we finally broke out Carley's new drum set. We got her one for Christmas, but it was broken by the end of the day since it was very poorly made. We replaced it with a more reliable set and Carley and her sister started jamming immediately. I think "Shelia E" and our ear drums could be in trouble!


Hailey working on a funky drum Solo

Nothing says, "I'm a great drummer" like a Tinker Bell night gown!

Ashley's Birthday Party

Hi All,

A few weeks ago Hailey Rose got invited to her best friend Ashley's birthday party. They played for hours and had a great time. According to Hailey's teacher, her and Ashley are together every minute of every day and seldom spend anytime apart. He also says that he sometimes has trouble getting them to stop talking in class when they are supposed to be paying attention. Either way, here are some photos of Hailey and her partner in crime Ashley.


At the party (Ashley is next to Hailey)

Partners in Crime

Jace and Markers

Hi All,

Jace managed to find an assortment of markers one day while his parents were distracted. Luckily markers these days are made with erasable ink!


Dennis the Menace

Always getting into something

Day at the Park

Hi All,

I have not posted anything since New Years Eve, so I have a few updates to put out here for your viewing pleasure. This first batch of photos is from a day that Tina and I spent at the park with Carley and Jace a few weeks ago. Carley got to ride her bike and Jace got to run wild in open space, so they were both very happy.


Bike Ride

The Climber

I reached the top

Swing to the Sky