Monday, January 26, 2009

Like Father, Like Son!

Hi All,

Just in case any of you were wondering where Jace got his devilishly handsome looks from! Tina snapped these pictures today of me and Jacey boy. I have to admit that the boy comes from good stock.

Handsome and his Son!

Ladies beware of the Jace MAN!!!!

The Joys of Parenting

Hi All,

Tina and I are at our wits end with this whole lack of sleep thing we have going on with Hailey Rose at the moment. Last night was one for the ages as we put Hailey Rose down for the night at 8:30PM, only to have to fight with her until 11:30PM to get her to sleep. Although it was a painful and frustrating experience, in the end we got a great photo out of the deal that we can show her many years down the road.

All I can say is thank god for child safety gates. Tina and I were trying the tough love approach after several failed attempts to put Hailey to bed. Instead of rushing back upstairs to put her back to bed we left her alone to see if she would put herself back to bed. After a while it got very quiet upstairs and we thought we had secured victory only to find Hailey Rose fast asleep at the top of the stairs with her face pressed against the gate. I'm telling you, you just can't make this stuff up!

This is what I saw as I approached the stairs. I thought is she....

Yep, she's sleeping alright!
At this point I'm thinking, "she's as stubborn as I am!"

We finally put her to bed after the three hour struggle!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year

Hi All,

I know it has been a while since I updated the blog, but I promise in 2009 I will be a little better. To get things started I thought I would take the opportunity to add a few recent photos of the family taken over the holidays.

Carley and Hailey decided to help their mother bake chocolate chip cookies on Christmas Eve. That experiment turned out to be an adventure as the girls were more interested in wearing the cookie dough than baking it. We also have a photo of Santa and Carley in the same picture together. This is a first and I am sure that this photo will become a collectors item at some point down the road. Lastly we have Jace, he is just hanging out and seeing what he can get into. Which is everything he can get his hands on these days!

I hope these updated photos find everyone in good health and may all of your dreams come true in 2009!

The Jones Family