Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back from Mexico

Hi All,

Tina, Deena, John and I are all back from Mexico. First we would like to thank our parents because without their willingness to watch our children the trip would not have been possible. With that said, we had the time of our lives in Mexico and cannot wait for the opportunity to go back again. During our stay we did as little as humanly possible and spent most of our time either in the ocean, at the swim up bar or in the hot tub. We also figured out (after meticulous taste tests) that the the Mojito with dark rum is our favorite poolside cocktail. The highlight of our trip was probably our time in the spa getting our 80 minute couples massage and the low point of the trip was probably defending ourselves against the flesh eating mosquitoes that seemed to be everywhere on the resort even in our room at night. Anyway, we had a blast and will hopefully get back to Mexico again in the near future.

View from our Room

Swim up Bar

Mexican Sunrise
I took this picture around 6:12AM on the second morning.

Tina and Deena just before our first dinner

Last Dinner in Mexico

Monday, September 29, 2008

Pizza Delivery

Hi All,

I came home from work tonight and I was greeted by a sight that just demanded a photo opportunity. I could not help but see the Italian heritage of my youngest daughter when I came across this image.

Hope you enjoy...

She looks like a natural

Cutting the pizza with a smile

Maybe we have a chef in the making

Buddy Walk Weekend

Hi All,

Saturday, September 20th was the 7th Annual Buddy Walk held in Frederick, Maryland. Team Hailey Bug had a very strong showing coming in second overall with $2,045.00 raised. A grand time was had by all and I would like to post a few photos from that weekend.

I also wanted to hand out a special thanks to the always untouchable Paul Lewis for providing the musical entertainment for the event. The Jones family appreciated the soulful rendition of "Hailey Rose" performed live at the Buddy Walk. I look forward to seeing Mr. Lewis perform at the annual Buddy Walk for years to come. I would also like to request that Paul's calendar be kept open, so I can actually go out to dinner after the show with him and his lovely wife Michel Grey in 2009!

Enjoy the photos...

Daddy and Jace at the Buddy Walk

Paul Lewis is a BAD MAN!!!!!

Carley on the playground

Hailey Rose striking a pose

Hailey Rose on the playground

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Taking care of Jace

Hi All,

Just a lazy Saturday morning here in the Jones household. However, I snapped a couple of quick pictures of the girls giving their brother his bottle this morning.

Here you go Jace

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Daddy's Sleeping Angels

Hi All,

It has been a few days since my last photo update. There is not much to report other than Hailey is doing really well in school and she seems to absolutely love it. Carley is adjusting to the "older kids" room and has come home pretty exhausted on the days she has school. Tonight I read them a bedtime story and Carley actually fell asleep before Hailey. I can tell you that as long as I have been reading them stories, Carley has fallen asleep before Hailey maybe 2 or 3 times at most. Anyway here are my little angels after story time this evening.

Fast Asleep

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jace is standing on his own

Hello All,

I guess it is now only a matter of time before I have to start teaching him how to read offensive line keys, turn his hips, move laterally and read the quarterback's eyes so he can make plays on the ball. However, in these photos he looks more like a wrestler in the making than anything else. Somehow I don't think his mother will want him to put this pretty face on a wrestling mat though.

Early defensive back drills

Carley's First Day of Pre-School

Hello Again,

This past Thursday was Carley's first day of Pre-school so I thought I would share her first day with you. Carley loves her new classrooms and all of the new things she gets to do as one of the older kids at Kinderworks. Although Carley is joining the older kids a little sooner than most, the teachers feel she is more than ready. In the photos you will see Carley doing some hand painting with one of her new teachers and how draining this activity must have been since she could not keep her eyes open on the way home from school.

Ready for her first day

Hand Painting

Building a Bridge

On her way home, clearly it has been a tough first day

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hailey's first day of Kindergarten

Well the day has arrived and I am officially getting old. Hailey had her first day of kindergarten this morning and she enjoyed every moment. I asked her what she did at school today and she told me about circle time, taking a tour of the school, going to the library and working on puzzles etc. I would say that she had a very busy first day and she is already talking about how excited she is for day two tomorrow. I do not know all of the teacher's names yet, but a photo of them is included. By the way, the look on Hailey's face as she is entering the bus is priceless!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jones Introduction

Hi Family and Friends,

I decided to start a blog page so that everyone can keep up with the goings on in the Jones household. I hope you appreciate the new blog site!