Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Blizzard of 2009

Hi All,

I ended up putting in over 3 hours of snow removal duty this morning between clearing the walks, dusting off the cars and finally snow blowing the driveway. I started around 7:30AM and finished by about 10:30AM. With so much snow on the ground we figured it would be a waste to do nothing, so we packed the kids in the car headed over to their cousins house and got in about an hour of no holds barred sledding. I posted a few photos here, but the rest will be coming via Snapfish since there were close to 70 shots taken today.

Enjoy the pictures!

Sledding conditions are optimal... Jace gives the thumbs up signal!

Look mom, no hands!

Me and Carley about to be pushed down the hill by Hailey

Grattan Gang

Jones Gang

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