Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day Follow-Up

Hi All,

As promised (I am a man of my word) here are some photos that Tina snapped of Carley just before she headed off to her first official day of kindergarten. As you can see she was quite the lady in red on day one. Also I have added a brief video (shot today) to illustrate how much gray hair I will have in a few short years dealing with little miss attitude! ;-)


Waiting for the bus....

How do you like my dress?
Okay the bus should be here by now...
I wonder what this attitude will be like at 15 when I lock her in her room?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindergarten Orientation

Hi All,

Yesterday Carley got to head over to her kindergarten class to meet her new teacher. Although it was not officially her first full day she did get to meet her classmates and check out her classroom. Attached are a few quick pics that I took as we prepared for the orientation. By the way, Tina took pics of her first official day of kindergarten this afternoon and I hope to put those pics up after dinner!

Anxious and ready to meet my new teacher
Waiting in the lobby
First Assignment
My new classroom

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fun at the Beach

Hi All,

Well I hate to admit it, but the unofficial end of summer has finally arrived. It was a great summer and the kids had a lot of fun. A few weekends ago we spent some time up in Rhode Island and I wanted to share a few clips with family and friends. Anyway, thanks for another great summer and even though I hate winter I am looking forward to seeing all of you over the holidays!

Take care and enjoy the clips.

(The quality isn't great because these were shot from my cell phone.)

The Climber:

The Boogie Boarder: