Monday, December 19, 2011

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch!

Hi All,

I took the kids down to Delaware yesterday to watch a show about the mean Mr. Grinch. My good friend Michele invited us down to the Premier Centre for the Arts for the show and the kids had an absolute blast. Thanks again Michel for the tickets and thanks to Uncle Paul for the delicious homemade pizza after the show. The kids really had a great time and they are looking forward to coming down again soon.


Pre show Snacks

Waiting for the Grinch

Michel and Jace

The girls and the Grinch

After the show at Paul and Michel's house

Carley's Birthday Party

Hi All,

I wanted to get some photos off of my camera before the big day next weekend. This update is from Carley's 6th birthday party. Carley had a great time and just about all of her classmates were in attendance for the party.


The Birthday Girl

Hailey Rose Pose

Fun on the Slide

Carley and a Classmate

The Whole Gang

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hailey's Science Project

Hi All,

Hailey Rose went to school today with her first science project. She had to assemble a series circuit in a shoe box that illuminated her very own home made toy store. Hailey had a great time working on this project and even had to demonstrate her light switch for her classmates during her presentation. Either I am getting old or I am losing my memory, because I don't remember doing these projects when I was in the 3rd grade. By the way, special thanks to Grand Pa Jim for having some spare D batteries on hand to make this project shine.




(From Darkness, Light)


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hailey's Halloween Parade 2011

Hi All,

Hailey's school had a Halloween parade and here are the photos of the event. Hailey went as Tinkerbell this year and had a blast parading around the school with her classmates.



Strike a pose (oh, and I know you love the purple boots!)

Hailey and her best friend Ashley

October Snow

Hi All,

It has been a while since I posted some updates so here they come. This update is about last weekends October snow.... still sounds strange to me and I cannot believe it has already begun!

Enjoy the photos...

Patio furniture and snow don't mix

Let's play in the snow

October Snowman

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day Follow-Up

Hi All,

As promised (I am a man of my word) here are some photos that Tina snapped of Carley just before she headed off to her first official day of kindergarten. As you can see she was quite the lady in red on day one. Also I have added a brief video (shot today) to illustrate how much gray hair I will have in a few short years dealing with little miss attitude! ;-)


Waiting for the bus....

How do you like my dress?
Okay the bus should be here by now...
I wonder what this attitude will be like at 15 when I lock her in her room?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindergarten Orientation

Hi All,

Yesterday Carley got to head over to her kindergarten class to meet her new teacher. Although it was not officially her first full day she did get to meet her classmates and check out her classroom. Attached are a few quick pics that I took as we prepared for the orientation. By the way, Tina took pics of her first official day of kindergarten this afternoon and I hope to put those pics up after dinner!

Anxious and ready to meet my new teacher
Waiting in the lobby
First Assignment
My new classroom

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fun at the Beach

Hi All,

Well I hate to admit it, but the unofficial end of summer has finally arrived. It was a great summer and the kids had a lot of fun. A few weekends ago we spent some time up in Rhode Island and I wanted to share a few clips with family and friends. Anyway, thanks for another great summer and even though I hate winter I am looking forward to seeing all of you over the holidays!

Take care and enjoy the clips.

(The quality isn't great because these were shot from my cell phone.)

The Climber:

The Boogie Boarder:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Elmwood Zoo Norristown, PA

Hi All,

We took the gang to the Elmwood Zoo today to get some sun and free ice cream. By the time we left though the free ice cream was no longer an option! ;-( Anyway we made the most of it and the kids had a great time!







A Day at the Park

Hi All,

I took the kids to the park yesterday to burn off some of their energy and to get some fresh air. I brought along the camera to see if any interesting shots developed.







Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carley's Graduation

Hi All,

It has been a while since I have posted anything. I have a bunch of stuff to put up, but for some reason I am having problems posting videos. Since I cannot post videos I thought I would post some still shots of Ms. Carley's graduation from Pre K2 this evening. Carley had a great time and not only did she get to lead her class out for the graduation ceremony, she also won the award for "Best Hair" in her class! ;-)

Enjoy the photos...

Can we come out yet?
Are you sure you are ready?
Okay gang, let's go!
Pre K2 Graduate
Afterwards with my teacher...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Carley's First Tooth

Hi All,

Carley lost her first tooth on Friday night. I knew by how much it was wiggling around that it would only be a matter of time before the tooth fairy would have to visit us. It's kind of odd seeing Carley with a missing tooth...


Saturday, March 19, 2011

YMCA 2011

Hi All,

Tina and I took the kids over to see the new YMCA that was built about 5 miles from our house this afternoon. I decided it was time for me to give up my single LA Fitness membership and get something that will allow all of us to get some exercise together as a family. Needless to say the new YMCA is a lot nicer than the old YMCA I used to belong to in my youth. Today it seems they think of everything. As you can see by the video below the kids will enjoy their new membership as often as possible.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

A birthday party for Jace

Hi All,

Jace had a birthday party yesterday for one of his classmates. Here are a few photos from the event. Jace had a great time at Maria's party! I even got a shot of him with the birthday girl (pictured in red) and some of his classmates!


Birthday Pizza

Birthday Group Photo

Big Sister Push

Hi All,

Here is a little video of Hailey Rose giving her little brother a helping hand on the swings. Carley was a little less than thrilled that she was not being pushed. In Carley's world daddy was slacking because I could not film Hailey and push her at the same time.... ;-)


A ballerina in the making

Hi All,

This was the last day of Carley's ballet class. The teacher decided to pull the class together for a photo so that all of the parents could get a picture. Carley has since been signed up for another 12 week looks like ballet might be in her future.


Cowboys and Girls

Hi All,

Here is some video taken a few weekends ago at the kids favorite park. I did not realize that I have two kids that might be interested in the rodeo someday....


Day in the Park

Hi All,

I am finally getting around to moving some pictures off of my phone. Here are some photos of a day in the park taken a few weekends ago.


Mr. Innocent

Hailey Rose

The Boss Lady

Rock Climber

Ready to go HOME!