Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Carley and Jace's Big Night Out

Hi All,

Carley and Jace had their Christmas shows this evening at their Daycare. They both had a great time, but Jace is not a very good on stage performer yet. As his classmates were dancing and singing Jace just stood their blankly staring back into the crowd. I have to work on his stage presence. Carley on the other hand did quite well and had a good time. I did not see her show because I was with Jace, but I have heard that the critics were impressed and she even got a bouquet of roses from her cousins after her performance.

Enjoy the photos.....

Before the Show
Getting into Character

The Performance
The Accolades

After performance treats with her big cousin

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Skater Girl

Hi All,

Carley broke out her skates that she got for her birthday this afternoon. She doesn't have it down quite yet, but she looks like a pro and she has lots of support!


Pre-Skate Group Photo

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween Night

Hi All,

I almost forgot to post these photos from Halloween night!


Grand Pa Pirate

Carley Pirate

Dinosaur Jace

Queen Hailey Rose

Halloween Group Photo

Monday, October 25, 2010

370 Z GIRL!!!

Hi All,

I may be in trouble when the day comes to buy Carley her first car. I got a glimpse into her car taste this weekend and all I have to say is if anyone wants to start contributing to Carley's first car fund I am willing to open an account.

Carley's Taste!

Maybe she will want a slow tank by the time she is 16!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A morning in the pumpkin patch

Hi All,

We took the kids to the pumpkin patch yesterday morning. It was a perfect day for finding the right pumpkin to carve up for Halloween. The kids really enjoyed the tractor ride out to the patch and picking out their own pumpkins.

Enjoy the photos...

ON our way to get some Pumpkins

This should be fun... is that Ben driving?

The Tractor Ride

Jace picked a good one

Feeding our farm friends

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apple Picking Adventure

Hi All,

We went over to Solebury Orchards this morning with the Grattan gang to get the kids some fresh air and ripe apples! They had a blast picking apples and running around the orchard with their cousins. The kids managed to pick 13 pounds of delicious apples! Tina is going to put some of them to use tonight and make an apple crisp to go with our Sunday dinner.

Enjoy the photos...

All Aboard

Pumpkin Patch Kids

Let's get some Apples

The good ones are at the top!

To the victor go the spoils!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

2010 Buddy Walk

Hi All,

The 2010 Buddy Walk was a huge success and that is because many of you made generous contributions to Team Hailey Bug. Everyone had a really good time and the weather was superb! Thanks again for supporting Team Hailey Bug she really gets a kick out of going to this event and dancing to the music.

I also wanted to put out a special thank you to Paul Lewis for coming out this year and putting on an excellent show. Hailey never gets tired of hearing her song "Hailey Rose" performed live by Paul and his band. Hats off to you Mr. Lewis and thanks for always supporting the cause...

Enjoy the photos...

Paul Lewis at his best!

Paul and Hailey Rose

All Smiles

Buddy Walk

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

Hi All,

Well today was the first day of Pre-K1 for Jace, Pre-K2 for Carley and 2nd grade for Ms. Hailey Rose. I am off today, so I got to be a part of the first day of school for the kids and Tina documented the occasion with pictures. Here are the pics of our kids growing up way too fast for my liking.....

The Jones Family

Where's the car? We're ready to go...

I love her.... but she's gonna be TROUBLE!!!!

Big Sister Protection...

New Classroom Pre-K2

First day of 2nd Grade

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jace's New Haircut

Hi All,

It has been a while since I posted, but I wanted to put Jace's new picture up. The kids spent the weekend with their grandparents and my dad took the liberty of taking Jace for his first haircut at my old barbershop in Wilmington, DE. This is the same barbershop my dad took me to when I was a little boy. Turns out that the guy who cut Jace's hair went to my high school, but graduated a few years behind me. Michel/Jeff...you two might remember this guy since he graduated in your class, Amere Robinson Class of 90!


Just Getting Started
Almost Done
Finished Product

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kids at the Mall

Hi All,

It has been a while since I last posted. We are all enjoying the summer break and soaking in the summer rays. Hailey loves to swim with her Barbie dolls and Carley loves to run races around the back yard as fast as she can. Jace is a typical boy and loves to torture insects and agitate his sisters whenever possible. I wanted to post a picture and say hello....

Tina took the kids to the mall yesterday and took a quick photo with her cell phone.


Kids at the Mall

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hi All,

It has been a while since I last posted. I have been busy, but decided while the kids are in bed I would throw up a quick post and a few photos from my recent business trip to San Francisco. I had a great time and the city offers plenty to see. With that said, here are a few quick photos that I will follow up shortly with a Snapfish album.


The famous Golden Gate Bridge just before I walked across...

This is what it looks like on the bridge...

A message left on the rail to keep others from jumping...

Alcatraz a.k.a "THE ROCK"

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Day at the Park

Hi All,

Me and Tina took the kids to the park yesterday to have a little fun. The kids ran all over the place and were pretty tired by the time we got home. It is amazing how cooperative kids are when they are exhausted and you tell them that the Easter bunny is coming in the morning! Worked out beautifully for us, they were all in bed by 8:15PM!

Here are a few shots of our time at the park.

Boss at Play
Mr. Handsome
Hang on Tight
Just Hanging Around
Hailey BUG

Storytime with my Sisters

Hi All,

After taking a shot at his sisters in the last post, I felt like I had to show the softer side of Jace's siblings. One evening at bedtime they actually let Jace sit in the bed with them and read him some stories. Something about the look on Jace's face in the second photo describes how happy he is to be with his big sisters. I think these pictures are great from the standpoint that his big sisters are taking care of him and they are all actually getting along. In fact, I am happy to report that no punches were thrown during this photo shoot!

Big Sisters at Work
Story time

Don't fall asleep

Hello All,

It has been a while since my last update, so I am going to put a few up at once to catch up. This batch was taken in late February. Carley actually put Jace on the couch with a blanket and he fell asleep. Of course, once he fell asleep he was fair game and his sister did not hesitate to capitalize on the moment. See for yourself....

Hilarity ensues
Aren't sisters just GREAT?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I am not ready for THIS!!!!

Hi All,

Well Hailey Rose came home from school today with her first note from a boy in her class! Of course, Tina thinks this is cute, but I am not AMUSED!!!! Can anybody out there tell me how to keep my daughter under lock and key forever, or at least until she turns 40?

Incriminating Note