Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Carley Cinderella

Hi All,

Tina snapped these shots a few days ago. Carley is experimenting with the idea of becoming Cinderella, but without the evil stepsisters.


Cinder Carley

Platinum Blonde


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carley's 4 Year Photo

Hi All,

Tina took Carley to the mall yesterday to get her 4 year photo taken. Carley had a great time and came out with some pretty nice shots. We don't have the hard copies yet, but I thought I would share the early digital prints.


Carley Smile

Carley Pose

Carley Elizabeth

Big Girl

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hailey's School Photo

Hi All,

Hailey got off of the bus today with her 2009 school photo. They gave us three different versions, so I figured I would post all of them. Ms. Hailey Rose is getting to be a big girl. ;-)

The Jones Family

Hailey Black and White Photo

Hailey Color Photo

Hailey Sepia Photo

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Hi All,

Last night we all went out for Halloween. The kids had an absolute blast and loved every minute of running door to door for candy. We had a little bit of rain, but it did not slow the kids down at all. After all they were on a candy mission, and something as trivial as rain was not going to stop them from making their appointed rounds! Here are a few shots from last night before our little ghosts and goblins took to the streets.

The Jones Family


Princess Hailey Rose and Barbie Musketeer

Barbie Musketeer and TIGGER

The entire Ghoulish GANG!!