Friday, October 30, 2009

Hi All,

I am sure this is the first of many Halloween photos, but I thought I would at least get the first one for the day out. This is Princess Hailey Rose just before the bus picked her up for school this morning. We also have a Halloween parade and some other events today, so I am sure there will be more photos to follow.


Princess Hailey Rose

Monday, October 26, 2009

Birthday Boy and his new QUAD

Hi All,

Jace tried out one of his new birthday presents today. Looks like I may have a son that is into motocross and all terrain vehicles.

The Jones Family

Hopping on the QUAD


Going for a Spin

Carley's Halloween Parade

Hi All,

Carley had a Halloween parade at her school this morning. She did a good job, but she still has a bit of stage fright. Anyway here is Carley performing with her class. I think by the boys reaction next to Carley her super hero powers have rendered him unable to hear!! ;-)

The Jones Family

Who is that masked Super Hero?

Super Carley

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Carley Kitten

Hi All,

Carley has a homework assignment to bring a costume with her to dance class next week. With this in mind, Carley decided that she wants to be a kitten, so Tina took Carley out today to find a kitten costume. The following photos show ballerina Carley Kitten in action!


Innocent Kitten

Pouncing on her Prey!!

Carley Kitten

Cat Nap!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thank you from Hailey and Carley

Hi All,

The Grattan family just returned from a much needed and relaxing trip down to Disney. During their time with Mickey Mouse they decided to bring back a few items for the Jones kids. Hailey and Carley each received a locket. Carley wears Tinkerbell and Hailey wears her favorite Disney Princess Cinderella. They consider these to be ballet necklaces and they wear them all the time now. I got a shot of the girls showing off their new necklaces this morning before they started practicing their ballet. The girls also wanted to thank Aunty Deena, Uncle John and the boys for thinking of them.

The girls and their lockets